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The Tower of London

The Tower of London

The Tower of London has a history of bloody murders and gruesome battles. It was a fascinating sight to see. King Willum The Concurer built The Tower of London in 1066 then, in 1076 The White Tower was built. The white tower is where they held Londons criminals not just any regular crimanals.One of the people in the tower was, Queen Elizebith the 1’st when she was still a prinsess later when she was a queen she put Mary Queen of Scots in the tower for ploting agenst the queen.

Mud Larking

Mud Larking


On Monday April 25 we went mud larking in the low tide river bed, and found many treashers. Like bones, pottery, and clay pipes  those are the most common to find. In the picture I am sitting next to Kait who helped me collect pottery. I am going to make a bowl out of the broken pottery. I am so privleged to be in London.

The British library

The British library

The British library is a wonderful place to visit. One of the things to see in the British library is the Kings library. There is some history behind the Kings library.  Did you know that the king sent his servents to flea markets and book stores to get the books for his library. There are many treashers around the musem like the worlds largest atlis, cabnets, and safe’s for the queen. This is my second favorite place so far!

Workout at the Park

Workout at the Park

Today we went to the park for exercise. I lead the warm ups. We added in workouts. Then we got to play. We found out there was a school. We would like to go to school with them. Finally we left the park. Now we can’t find mommy, she was at the store!